Friday, December 14, 2007

Two Americas

This is one of the most divisive and controlling phrases I have seen in a long time. We live in a nation that is truly blessed in so many ways, including the freedom to move up the economic ladder. John Edwards is playing class warfare in a way to stir up resentment and hatred, rather than solving problems.

In America, we have nearly unlimited potential for social and economic mobility. There was an article out a couple months ago that said over the last 10 years, half of the people in poverty moved up the economic ladder. This was from the Treasury Dept. Notably, the article also reported that the top bracket moved down the ladder in a lot of cases.

Politicians like Edwards consistently use class warfare arguments to further their political careers. Rather than helping the poor with more relevant education and training, or showing them how to invest more wisely, they just tell voters they will make their lives better in some mysterious and undefined way. Most people I know would love to make more money and have better lives, but to continually stir up emotions in people just to hold on to your elected position is unethical. Tell Edwards to start solving problems and not rip the country apart in a class-based civil war.

To the poor people reading this article, don't fall for "tax the rich" and "Two Americas" nonsense. You have an opportunity to become one of the rich! Don't vote to punish those who have made it before you. Just work to make your dreams come true. Make sure you take advantage of your education to get into college or a training program. Continually develop skills which employers will pay for. Take jobs that give you more opportunity to develop skills so you can apply for increasingly more difficult jobs with more pay attached.

Another irony is that politicians use the "tax the rich" rhetoric to convince the poor and middle class to vote for them. The politicians then implement income taxes that prevent the poor and middle class from moving up the economic ladder. The poor and middle class voters have now trapped themselves in their tax bracket because of jealously and envy.

Redistribution of wealth is not how the debate should be framed. Helping lower and middle income families into higher income brackets is the debate. My question to Edwards, why should we bring the upper class down rather than bring the lower class up?

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